Sunday, January 9, 2011



Come on. Let’s play together. Let’s play with our bodies, our minds and souls. In whatever you please I will not hesitate to join you.
My imagination is pumping and my desire for you is flammable. I need a precise term for my burning obsession. [...]
And then it’s my childhood, beyond my reach, forgotten and unpossessed by what I call now destruction of innocence.
There are always these tiny memory slices that keep popping in and out of me, but I don’t know if they still exist as parts of my
invented experience. You see, I believe that we all have a safe zone, a place where we can dream, and think, experiment and love
freely. At the end of it all, man is a free animal. And this is something which should be respected by all. I can’t push or demand from you or anyone to stay around me as I cannot allow from anyone to suffocate me. Of course, there is always a need of being loved in any sense (as
anyone loves differently) but that does not make us privileged to use love as a means of keeping people tight to us.
So, I should say now, after the night’s resolutions, that I miss childhood as I miss this so attached-to-me self which can never come back.

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